How to get more money in Street Rod

How do you get more money in Street Rod?

  1. Buy the 1949 Chevrolet 2dr Styleline for $475
    Schermafbeelding 2013-11-22 om 13.33.42
  2. Remove the transmission
  3. Completely remove the engine
  4. Sell the car for $30000
    Schermafbeelding 2013-11-22 om 13.39.39

3 comments on “How to get more money in Street Rod

  1. WTF!?!??
    I would NEVER figure this out by myself, heheheh.
    Is there any story behind this cheat? Does not make sense to me at all. 😀

  2. I remember as a child, I used to add a few zero’s when haggeling over the price. After one or two tries, the computer would agree to a price of for example 25000 dollar in stead of 250 dollar. Because the computer didnt’think the zeroes were worth anything. Or that was my explanation. Soz for bad english

  3. Any way to do this for the SE version?

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